Wikisecrets PBS Frontline 2011
Behind the leaking of more than half-a-million classified documents on the Wikileaks website stand two very different men: Julian Assange, the Internet activist and hacker who published the documents, and an Army intelligence analyst named Bradley E. Manning. FRONTLINE tells the full story behind the leaks. It also reports on the U.S. government's struggle to protect national security information in a post 9/11 world.
DVDRip 2011 00:53:00 DivX 5 650 Mb
Behind the leaking of more than half-a-million classified documents on the Wikileaks website stand two very different men: Julian Assange, the Internet activist and hacker who published the documents, and an Army intelligence analyst named Bradley E. Manning. FRONTLINE tells the full story behind the leaks. It also reports on the U.S. government's struggle to protect national security information in a post 9/11 world.
den fazla sızıntı arkasında Vikipedi web sitesinde yarım milyon gizli belgeleri iki farklı adam duruyor.
FRONTLINE kaçakları arkasında tam öyküsünü anlatıyor.
Aynı zamanda bir post 9 / 11 dünyanın ulusal güvenlik bilgileri korumak için ABD hükümetinin mücadele raporlar.